图书馆,学习 & 测试



  • 所有测试都需要带照片的身份证件(有些测试需要当前政府颁发的证件) 照片的身份证)
  • Pictures of photo ID is 不 acceptable
  • Only authorized materials are allowed in the 测试ing room
  • No cell phones are allowed in the 测试ing room
  • 只允许考生和博天堂官方工作人员进入考场
  • 所有考试必须在考试中心关闭前30分钟完成


博天堂官方 Course Proctoring and 住宿 测试

不能在定期考试期间参加考试的学生可以参加 take the 测试 with 测试服务. We also provide 测试ing for students that have 已被批准使用无障碍资源提供住宿. 我们将与教师合作 for other situations that may arise.

测试服务现在使用RegisterBlast提交测试. 遵循 Professor RegisterBlast Instructions 获得一个账户. 一旦你有一个帐户设置,你可以使用RegisterBlast link to login and submit 测试s.

RegisterBlast Professor Sign In.

教师 Guidelines for using 测试服务:

We do 不 proctor 测试s for entire in person classes. We will support 博天堂官方 online classes where exams must be proctored in person. We do ask that arrangements be made at least five business days in advance.

  • 每次考试请注明导师姓名和课程名称.
  • 填写你的考试提交所有需要的信息,包括时间限制,日期 the 测试 is to be taken by and *student(s) names.
  • Indicate which aids are allowed or needed during 测试ing. Items 不 listed will 不 be allowed.
  • 学生姓名(或在RegisterBlast中的博天堂官方电子邮件地址) must be on the 测试ing form or a class list provided. If this is 不 provided, we will 不 be able to proctor the 测试s.
  • 测试服务 provide scantrons, green books or 不ebook paper. We will provide scratch paper.
  • 测试服务 不 time 测试s. We use a time clock to clock in and out on the 测试.
  • Photo ID will be required to pick up 测试s.


电脑测试:所有需要电脑的考试都需要预约(ALEKS数学考试除外). 学生考试报名.




Hours and 测试s administered differ at each campus. Choose the campus below to see details.

奥尔巴尼校区 科瓦利斯校区 黎巴嫩的校园





Location: Red Cedar Hall, Room 111 (RCH-111)


电子邮件: 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com


  • 6月17日- 6月28日
    • Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • 7月1日- 8月29日
    • Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • 9月3日- 10月11日
    • Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
  • Closed on June 19, July 4, and September 2 and 19

Writing and Math Placement 测试

需要完成写作或数学分班考试的学生应发送电子邮件 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com 姓名,博天堂官方学生证号码以及他们需要参加的考试. 指导将通过电子邮件发送给学生,让他们在家完成测试.

For more information, visit 学生就业.


化学分班考试是为完成一年学业的学生设计的 of high school chemistry and Intermediate Algebra. The 测试 has 50 multiple choice questions and has a 75 minute time limit. The 测试 covers mathematics, problem solving 一般化学. 30分或更高的分数可以让学生跳过化学 150. 允许两次尝试. There is no fee for this 测试.

时间表 your 化学位置 Exam.


西班牙语考试时长60分钟,有75道题,选择题和填空 测试. 这个考试将把学生分到正确的西班牙语班,从西班牙语 101 to 201

There is no fee for this 测试. Request to take the Spanish placement by emailing 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com with your name, and student number.

CS 120 Digital Literacy Waiver Test

通过CS 120豁免测试允许学生绕过CS 120类.

要通过cs120豁免测试,学生应熟悉微软 Office (Word, Excel等.), Google Drive(文档,表格等),计算机术语,基础计算机 硬件/软件系统,计算机组件及其功能.

The exam is 60 minutes and can only be taken once. Passing is a score of 39 or above 60道题.

To request the 测试, students should email 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com 上面写着他们的全名,博天堂官方的学号,以及他们想参加CS课程 120豁免试验. 

College Level Exam Program (CLEP)

大学水平考试计划(CLEP)是最广泛接受的考试学分 国家的项目. Linn-Benton 社区 College 测试服务 is an open 测试ing site for anyone wishing to take the CLEP exams.

虽然博天堂官方提供所有33门CLEP考试,但招生和注册不接受 all CLEP exams for credit at 博天堂官方.

How to sign up for a CLEP exam.

CLEP Exams Accepted by 博天堂官方.


博天堂官方 Class Proctoring and Accommodation 测试

测试服务为无法参加考试的博天堂官方学生提供服务 during their regularly scheduled 测试 session. We also work with 可访问性 Resources to provide students with approved accommodated 测试ing.


  • Photo ID is required to 测试. Copies or pictures of ID are 不 acceptable.
  • Know the class you need to 测试 for (i.e. Biology 101, Engineering 213, etc.)
  • Know the instructors first and last name
  • Know the 测试ing hours available in 测试服务. Test must be finished 30 minutes 关门前.
  • Only approved items allowed in the 测试ing room. Cell phones are 不 allowed. 储物柜 可供使用.
  • 儿童不允许进入测试室,只允许测试人员和工作人员进入.

电脑测试: 需要使用电脑的考试需要预约. 在这里安排考试.



The cost for this service is $30 per 测试. The fee must be paid prior to 测试ing and a receipt presented at the time of 测试ing. The fee can be paid at the Business Office 在卡拉波亚中心大厦. Room 130 or by calling them at 541-917-4312.

注意: 如果在星期六或下午4点以后的任何一天进行测试,商务办公室将关闭,并提供免费服务 payment will need to be made in advance.

俄勒冈州立大学、俄勒冈理工大学的学位合作项目学生 or Western Oregon University:

  • No charge if currently taking a class with 博天堂官方 (proof of current enrollment will need to be provided) OR
  • 目前未参加博天堂官方课程的DPP学生每学期30美元

Appointments are required for all proctored 测试s. Proctor appointments must be made 48 business hours in advance. All 测试ing materials and instructions must be received by 测试服务 before scheduling an appointment.

**提供以下链接给你的教授(在你安排预约之前) so they can send your 测试 to 博天堂官方 测试服务: Proctor For Other Institutions Form.

在验证测试已发送到博天堂官方测试服务后,您可以 schedule a proctoring appointment.

奥尔巴尼校区 proctor information:

GED® (General Education Development Test)

测试服务是GED®考试的认可测试站点. GED®是一个系列 of four 测试s; Reasoning through Language 艺术, Social Studies, Science and Math. GED®为具备同等学历的个人提供了获得同等学历证书的途径 不 graduated from high school. 

How to schedule for a GED


林本顿社区学院是皮尔森 Vue授权考试中心. 皮尔森 Vue授权测试中心是第三方测试机构,提供现场、 按需测试认证和专业执照考试. 测试服务 offers an extensive list of 皮尔森 Vue exams including:

  • 美国大学
  • 思科
  • 前年
  • National Education System (ES/NES)
  • GED (General Education Development Test)
  • 微软

要了解更多关于皮尔森 Vue测试和安排测试的信息,请访问他们的网站.


挑战(通过考试获得学分)是学生展示能力的机会 掌握大学课程所涵盖的内容并获得学分. 它涉及到 参加专门的大学准备考试来展示知识和能力. 此挑战赛不可代替常规课程报名. 目的 是验证先前的学习而不是当前正在进行的学习.

目前博天堂官方有一个课程挑战:医学术语I (CRS 131) 3学分

想要参加医学术语挑战的学生必须注册 with 测试服务 during the first two weeks of a term. 费用是百分之三十 current cost per credit hour for the course. The 测试 must be completed by the end of the seventh week of the term it was registered for. The fee is 不 transferable to a不her term and a course can only be challenged once. Students can不 be registered 如果他们想报名参加挑战测试.

课程挑战的学分不计入退伍军人的必修课程, financial aid recipients and international students.

最终成绩将在考试日期后两周内报告给学生 成绩将在学期的第九周报告给注册主任.

To begin the process, email 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com 附上你的要求,包括你的全名和学生证号码. 我们会送你去 instructions on how to become registered for the challenge.





Location: Chinook Hall, room 107

Phone: 541-757-8944 ext 5101

电子邮件: bcproctor@theweddingringblog.com


  • 六月十七日至二十一日闭馆

Writing and Math Placement 测试

需要完成写作或数学分班考试的学生应发送电子邮件 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com 姓名,博天堂官方学生证号码以及他们需要参加的考试. 指导将通过电子邮件发送给学生,让他们在家完成测试.

For more information, visit 学生就业.


化学分班考试是为完成一年学业的学生设计的 of high school chemistry and Intermediate Algebra. The 测试 has 50 multiple choice questions and has a 75 minute time limit. The 测试 covers mathematics, problem solving 一般化学. 30分或更高的分数可以让学生跳过化学 150. 允许两次尝试. There is no fee for this 测试.

时间表 your 化学位置 Exam.


西班牙语考试时长60分钟,有75道题,选择题和填空 测试. 这个考试将把学生分到正确的西班牙语班,从西班牙语 101 to 201

There is no fee for this 测试. Request to take the Spanish placement by emailing 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com with your name, and student number.

CS 120 Digital Literacy Waiver Test

通过CS 120豁免测试允许学生绕过CS 120类.

要通过cs120豁免测试,学生应熟悉微软 Office (Word, Excel等.), Google Drive(文档,表格等),计算机术语,基础计算机 硬件/软件系统,计算机组件及其功能.

The exam is 60 minutes and can only be taken once. Passing is a score of 39 or above 60道题.

To request the 测试, students should email 测试ing@theweddingringblog.com 上面写着他们的全名,博天堂官方的学号,以及他们想参加CS课程 120豁免试验. 

博天堂官方 Class Proctoring and Accommodation 测试

测试服务为无法参加考试的博天堂官方学生提供服务 during their regularly scheduled 测试 session. We also work with 可访问性 Resources to provide students with approved accommodated 测试ing.


  • Photo ID is required to 测试. Copies or pictures of ID are 不 acceptable.
  • Know the class you need to 测试 for (i.e. Biology 101, Engineering 213, etc.)
  • Know the instructors first and last name
  • Know the 测试ing hours available in 测试服务. Test must be finished 30 minutes 关门前.
  • Only approved items allowed in the 测试ing room. Cell phones are 不 allowed. 储物柜 可供使用.
  • 儿童不允许进入测试室,只允许测试人员和工作人员进入.

电脑测试: 需要使用电脑的考试需要预约. 在这里安排考试.



The cost for this service is $30 per 测试. The fee must be paid prior to 测试ing and a receipt presented at the time of 测试ing. The fee can be paid at the Registration 或致电商务办公室541-917-4312.

注意: 如果在星期六或下午4点以后的任何一天进行测试,商务办公室将关闭,并提供免费服务 payment will need to be made in advance.

俄勒冈州立大学、俄勒冈理工大学的学位合作项目学生 or Western Oregon University:

  • No charge if currently taking a class with 博天堂官方 (proof of current enrollment will need to be provided) OR
  • 目前未参加博天堂官方课程的DPP学生每学期30美元

Appointments are required for all proctored 测试s. Proctor appointments must be made 48 business hours in advance. All 测试ing materials and instructions must be received by 测试服务 before scheduling an appointment.

**提供以下链接给你的教授(在你安排预约之前) so they can send your 测试 to 博天堂官方 测试服务: Proctor For Other Institutions Form.

在验证测试已发送到博天堂官方测试服务后,您可以 schedule a proctoring appointment.

Benton Center proctor information:





有关测试的问题,请致电或发邮件给Albany 测试ing Services:
